Saturday, January 19, 2008


After what seems like no time at all, I'm back to school. The break was wonderful, but it's great to get back to all the friends I've made here at school. And to top it off, we got 5 inches of snow dumped on us earlier in the week, so it's been interesting.

We'll be starting interviews for the 2012 class February 6th. I remember how scared and excited I was a year ago! I had a chat with our class president and brought up that I thought it would be neat to do something with the interviewees, to make their interview a little less stressful. So a cookie bake it is! I've talked to some friends as well and we're going to try to find time to go up and say "hi" and chat with them. It really is exciting though!

In the mean time I'm enjoying Pathology and as always staying busy!

Three day weekend right now though, so it should be a blast!