Tuesday, November 6, 2007

About Me


I'm a first year veterinary student working toward a future that will hopefully include a rural mixed-animal practice, a lovely barn and a workhorse husband who doesn't mind a life spent surrounded by animals and nature!

It's always been something I've wanted to do, and so after four years of undergrad I've finally reached this step. Be impressed: the average veterinary applicant applies 2.5 times (that's an average, it's not that they give up half way through at some point!) before ever getting in. I was lucky enough to avoid all that stress, and so at the tender age of 21 I'm floating around elbow deep in the pelvises of horses, and cows, and wrist deep in dogs and small ruminants.

Be warned, if I actually find the time to keep up with this blog, veterinary students have very different ideas about what's gross...

My current business includes:
School (shocking! Do not, I repeat, do not go to vet school unless you are willing to work your butt off 'round the clock).
Finding work for the summer
Finding new living arrangements: undergrads and my roommate are loud!

1 comment:

Twilight said...

I also want to be a vet!!